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Self-employment and paying tax and National Insurance on fostering allowance

All foster carers in the UK, whether working with a local authority like the partners in Foster with North East, or an agency, are classed as self-employed. If you become a foster carer you will need to register with HMRC for the role. 

To make fostering an affordable choice, the Government applies a generous tax-free allowance to fostering income. In fact, as a foster carer in the North East you can expect almost all your fostering income to be exempt from tax thanks to Qualifying Care Relief. 

As a foster carer, compared to alternative employment with a similar salary, you would keep more of your fostering income.

Fostering finance facts:

  • Households do not pay tax on the first £18,140 they earn from fostering each year.
  • You also receive tax relief for every week a child is in your care.
  • You could receive up to £25,000 per year with no tax to pay.
  • The Government gives foster carers National Insurance Credits to build a state pension.

You can find further information and an illustration of how this works, on Help and Support for Foster Parents in England

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